2024/11/22 19:46

縁起の良い九字や阿弥陀如来などの梵字を掲載しています。 書道家・鎌田惺舟が直筆で加えていく、あなただけの御守りに。 ご多忙の合間にも、ご自身のペースで心の拠り所としてご活用ください。 ご希望の梵字や言葉があればお気軽にお申し付けください。 デジタルデータなので、スマホの待ち受け画面やパソコンのデスクトップなど、様々なシーンでご活用いただけます。

We are pleased to present auspicious mantras and Sanskrit characters such as those associated with Amitabha Buddha. Calligrapher Seisyu Kamata will be adding his original handwritten works to this collection, providing you with personalized amulets. Use these digital files as a spiritual anchor during your busy days, at your own pace. Please feel free to request specific mantras or words. As these are digital files, you can use them in various ways, such as setting them as your smartphone wallpaper or computer desktop background.