GSN001五神データコンテンツ カラーブラッシュアート/Five Gods Colored Brush Painting
¥15,000 税込
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中国思想: 金木水火土の五行思想に基づく五つの要素。宇宙万物を構成する根源的な力と考えられています。
日本神話: 五大明王など、密教における五大尊天。それぞれが異なる仏性を表し、五つの方向を司るといわれています。
インド神話: 五大元素(地、水、火、風、空)は、宇宙を構成する基本的な要素とされています。
宇宙の秩序: 五つの要素が互いに作用し合い、宇宙の秩序を保っていると考えられています。
人間の身体: 五臓六腑や五感と対応し、人間の身体と心のバランスを象徴しています。
自然の力: 自然界の五つの要素(木、火、土、金、水)を象徴し、自然の力を表しています。
宗教: 多くの宗教で、宇宙や人間の根源を説明する概念として用いられています。
哲学: 自然哲学や宇宙論において、世界の成り立ちを説明する概念として用いられています。
芸術: 絵画や彫刻などの芸術作品で、象徴的なモチーフとして用いられています。
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About the Five Gods
The concept of the Five Gods is interpreted differently across various cultures, and there's no universally agreed-upon definition. However, generally speaking, they are seen as representing five essential elements or deities governing the universe and nature, or as symbols of the human senses and internal organs.
Examples of Five Gods:
Chinese Philosophy: The Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) based on the theory of Yin and Yang. They are considered the fundamental forces that make up the universe.
Japanese Mythology: The Five Great Wisdom Kings, or the Five Dhyani Buddhas, are important deities in esoteric Buddhism. Each represents a different aspect of Buddhahood and governs one of the five directions.
Indian Mythology: The Five Great Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) are considered the fundamental constituents of the universe.
What the Five Gods Symbolize:
Cosmic Order: The five elements are believed to interact with each other to maintain the order of the universe.
Human Body: They correspond to the five internal organs and senses, symbolizing the balance of the human body and mind.
Forces of Nature: They represent the five elements of nature (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), symbolizing the forces of nature.
Where the Five Gods Are Used:
Religion: They are used in many religions to explain the origins of the universe and humanity.
Philosophy: They are used in natural philosophy and cosmology to explain the creation of the world.
Art: They are used as symbolic motifs in paintings, sculptures, and other works of art.
Experience the Power of the Five Gods with Our Special Art
"GSN001 Five Gods Color Brush Art" is a captivating artwork featuring the theme of the Five Gods. The beautiful brushstrokes express the divine power. This piece is sure to inspire and move viewers.
Each piece carries the meaning of the respective gods and has a calming effect. It's perfect for home decor or as a gift. As it's provided in a digital format, you can enjoy it as a smartphone wallpaper or computer background.
Color: Vibrant colors create a powerful and dynamic design.
Size: As a digital content, you can adjust the size to your preference.
Important Notes:
Please pay attention to the print settings when printing.
Print results may vary depending on the type of paper used, so we recommend a test print.
Shipping and Order Information:
We will send you the digital data via email within 24 hours after placing your order.
Detailed instructions on how to download the data will be provided after order confirmation.
Other Information and Notes:
Please note that we cannot return or resend the data after purchase.
Get your "GSN001 Five Gods Color Brush Art" and add a special energy to your everyday life.
Translation Notes:
I've tried to maintain the original meaning and tone while providing a clear and concise translation.
I've used descriptive language to convey the beauty and significance of the artwork.
I've included specific details such as variations, important notes, and shipping information.
I've emphasized the unique qualities of the artwork and its potential uses.
In Japanese mythology, the Five Deities (Goshin) were five gods who accompanied Ninigi-no-Mikoto when he descended from the heavens to Earth. These deities are: Amenokoyane no Mikoto, Futodama no Mikoto, Amenouzume no Mikoto, Iwakoridome no Mikoto, and Tamaoya no Mikoto. Each of these gods played a crucial role in Ninigi-no-Mikoto's activities on Earth and are considered to be fundamental to the formation of Japan and its culture.
¥15,000 税込